The Swiss Economy Reputation Index (SERX), which is currently made up of more then 200 private sector and state-related companies, shows on a consolidated basis how the public perception of the Swiss economy and its key sectors has developed over time.
Due to the sedimented calculation method (Sedimented Reputation Index®) and the broad valuation basis determined on a daily basis (an average of around 20,000 reputation-relevant public contributions are calculated per day on a sedimented basis), SERX is a valid indicator of the public acceptance of the Swiss economy and its central sectors.
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Reputationsklima verschlechtert sich gegen Jahresende
Nach den Reputationsverlusten im dritten Quartal zeigt sich auch in den letzten drei Monaten des Jahres 2024 eine negative Reputationsentwicklung für die Schweizer Wirtschaft. Trotz des Rückgangs im zweiten Halbjahr schliesst die Schweizer Wirtschaft das Gesamtjahr...