The Swiss Economy Reputation Index (SERX), which is currently made up of more then 200 private sector and state-related companies, shows on a consolidated basis how the public perception of the Swiss economy and its key sectors has developed over time.
Due to the sedimented calculation method (Sedimented Reputation Index®) and the broad valuation basis determined on a daily basis (an average of around 20,000 reputation-relevant public contributions are calculated per day on a sedimented basis), SERX is a valid indicator of the public acceptance of the Swiss economy and its central sectors.
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Reputationsverluste der Realwirtschaft weiten sich aus
Das sich verstärkt eintrübende Meinungsklima gegenüber der Realwirtschaft und die weiter nachlassenden Erholungseffekte auf Seiten der Finanzindustrie führen – nach zuletzt vier positiven Quartalen – erstmals wieder zu einer rückläufigen Reputation der Schweizer...