Research and Publications

commsLAB AG provides selected findings from its research to an interested public in order to contribute to societal classification and orientation.

As authors of scientific or journalistic publications, we are also open to media enquiries with our expertise. With the Swiss Economy Reputation Index – SERX, we additionally issue quarterly information on the reputation dynamics of the Swiss economy.

Reputation management of universities

February 2020

From academic to socio-political stakeholder groups.

Paper by:
Daniel Künstle (with: Vogler, Daniel & Eisenegger, Mark).

Published in:
Handbuch Kommunikations-Management, February 2020.

Scandalization risk two-tier medicine system

October 2019

Media scandals in the health sector.

Guest article by:
Mario Schranz

Published in:
«im dialog», magazine of CSS, 4 October 2019

Locational responsibility as a value-adding factor

December 2018

Reputation and public perception of the Swiss
economy in transition.

Study by:
commsLAB & fög / University of Zurich.

Published by: Suva

Education and Presentations

commsLAB conveys practical, theoretical and empirical findings from its research, also in presentations and training programmes.

University education

Currently we are regularly teaching at the following institutions.

Training programmes in organisations

We lead internal training and education programmes.


We appear as speakers at organizational and industry events

Our analyses in the media (selection)

“Banken profitieren in Corona-Krise von einer positiven Reputation”

Handelszeitung, 9 July 2020

“Interview Reputationsexperte: Soziale Verantwortung steht im Vordergrund”
AWP Finanznachrichten, 16 April 2020

“Banken: Stimmt der Ruf, stimmt die Rendite”, 10 December 2018

“Volks­wirt­schaft­li­che Ver­ant­wor­tung der Versicherer” (Interview with Daniel Künstle)
SVV (Youtube-Kanal), 15 May 2020

“UBS gegen CS: Wer gewinnt in Sachen Leistung und Reputation?”
SRF eco, 14 October 2019

“Wie die UBS in der Krise nach ihrer Seele zu suchen begann”
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 16 October 2018


Swiss Economy Reputation Index

commLAB tracks the reputation of the Swiss economy and its sectors. The Swiss Economy Reputation Index (SERX), which is currently made up of 212 private sector and state-related companies, shows on a consolidated basis how the public perception of the Swiss economy and its key sectors has developed over time.